Married to the Empire

Saturday, September 8, 2007

A quick update for you

I'm just letting everyone know that I may not be posting much in the next few days. We have two separate leaks in our sewer line under the house, one in the living room, and one in the master bedroom. After months of frustration with our insurance company, they finally pulled through and sent us money, and we're now set to have the repairs done. I'll be packing up the living room and bedroom this weekend in preparation for the carpet people to arrive on Monday to move our furniture and pull back our carpets.

On Tuesday, the cats will be tortured by being taken to the vet's to be boarded for the day. As miserable as they'll be there, it will be more pleasant than if they stay at home since the leak people will be here jackhammering through the floors. They'll get to come home that night, but they'll be spending it locked up in the guest room.

Wednesday, the carpet people will be back to put the carpets back down, clean the carpets, and move our furniture back into place. Then I'll have the fun task of cleaning all the dust and putting things back in order.

We have to move out for all of this. The timing has worked out well because we have friends who will be out of town for whom we'll be catsitting. We'll just move into their house, which will make their cats very happy. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement, and it will help that we'll have a kitchen so that we don't have to eat out for every meal during this arduous process.

So, if you don't see me around much in the next few days, just know that it's because my house is torn up and I'm working hard to put it back in order.


Mrs. Anna T said...

Oh wow. It sure sounds like a busy time. Good luck with everything!

Cathy VanPatten said...

Good luck on the repairs! Ah, the joys of home-ownership!

AnneK said...

Oh, I hope everything goes well. At least you have a house and kitchen to be at your disposal. That must be a relief. Why didn't you take Doogie to your friend's house?

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Anne, we can't take the cats with us because our friends have 4 cats of their own. Cats don't get along with other cats usually, and both sets of cats have had some behavior issues in the past. We don't want to incite World War III in their home.