Calvin went in Friday for a blood pressure check, and they did blood work while he was there. I spoke with the vet yesterday about his test results. The news isn't good. His kidney levels are up, and we're nearing the end. She seemed to indicate that we're looking at a few weeks or months with him. Our options at this point are to continue treatment as is, or hospitalize him for a week or so to do intense treatment to try to improve this condition, but that would just be a stop-gap measure and temporary. She and I both agreed that Calvin would be miserable with the hospital option. Steven and I are choosing just to keep him at home where he's happy and comfortable and keeping him on his current treatment of pills and special diet.
I held it together on the phone, as I think I've known in my heart that this is where we are. But I cried off and on all morning. I have some small canvasses that I bought a few months ago with the intention of doing collages of the boys. Guess I can't put that off much longer. I want to do paw prints of the boys on their collages. I've also decided to order a copy of the Chicken Soup book that has Calvin's and Doogie's story in it. I'll have my boys "autograph" it for the vet, and I intend to give it to her eventually as a thank you for the great care she's given to our cats, especially Calvin lately.
At this point, we just need prayer. I'm not expecting a miracle in Calvin, as this is how life works due to the curse. Just prayers for his general well-being, as well as mine. Also pray for Doogie. Doogie isn't our smart cat, but he is fully aware that Calvin isn't well, and I think he's hurting a little through all of this. He's become angry with me lately whenever I take Calvin to the vet's, and now instead of smacking Calvin when he comes home smelling funny, he gives him nose bumps and stays by his side the rest of the day. He cries like his heart is breaking when Calvin is away from home. I don't know how he'll do when Calvin is gone for good.
In the meantime, we're just enjoying every day we have with our furry boy. I hope it will be a long while still, but I'm aware that the time may be short. The one thing giving me comfort is that I fully believe that animals go to heaven, and the thought of Calvin standing in heaven meowing his heart out in praise to the Almighty makes me laugh.
I've been a long-time reader, and I am so sorry that your little Calvin is not doing well. We have three "cat babies" and I know how difficult it is when they're sick or pass away (we had one many years ago that we had to have put down and it was really hard for us).
My prayers are with you all, and I am sure that God's peace and comfort will enable you to make it through this really tough time.
I'm so sorry to hear this, Anne Marie. I grew up with a dog I just adored, so I know it is hard to hear a beloved pet is near the end. (She sweetly waited until the day after I finished graduate school - somehow they know so much!)
I will be praying for all of you.
I am so sorry, as another pet family that loves their furry child, I know how sad it is for you. and I expect Doogie understands.
Calvin is very blessed to have a family that loves and cares for him so.
God bless your family
This made my heart hurt for you. I hope your last days/weeks/months with Calvin are filled with very happy memories!
I'm so sorry you are going through this right now. Isn't it amazing how much like people the kitties can be? My prayers are with you & the boys.
Praying for you and Calvin through tears...
I'm so sorry that your little baby is not doing well. I hope you do enjoy your time with him and show him how loved he is. I wish you all the best. I hope things turn around for Calvin.
Thank you to all of you. He's doing fairly well right now, in spite of the grim diagnosis. He's still ornery and misbehaving, and I'm so thankful for that!
I was wondering how the little one was doing. He continues to be in my prayers.
The cats (and the humans in the house ;)) are in our prayers. I had a good friend lose a cat this fall, and I know how much it hurts. I hope you're all able to enjoy what time Calvin has left, and that he feels well as long as possible.
I'm sorry to hear. Pets really do become our furry kids, and it's very hard to have to let go. I'm praying for Calvin and for you and your husband!
I am really sorry to read this about your cat. I am a dog person; but I do understand the love we have for our fur babies.
In my life there have been 3 special dogs. (I am 57) One my ex-husband kicked and paralized him; I had to put him down just before my oldest son was born. (yes, he is an EX) Then years later I was lucky enough to have another dog come into my life. She saved my life really. My EX husband went to court to get custody of our sons. He got "joint" custody that was whacky as heck because he was military. He got a custody arrangement of 2 years with HIM and 2 years with me. Now understand that these boys did not know their father really. We had been seperated for years and he was just a 'voice' on the phone for more than 2 years. So he came back, picked my sons up (one was 6 and the other not yet 3) and took them more than 2000 miles away. I almost went crazy. He would not let them talk to me on the phone. I swear I was very very close to taking my own life..then a good friend (now my husband) gave me a cute mini doxie to love and care for. Her name was 'Mutt Mutt' and I adored her. She lived 18 years. I swear she knew she saved my life.Now, all these years later I have a mixed breed dog that my youngest son gave me. She is 14. Her name is Beulah Mae and I adore her.
So this is a long post to say I am sorry. I believe that dogs and cats go to heaven too. I hope to have Mouse, Mutt, and Beulah on my lap in God's house one day.
You have my prayers for God's grace. Roxie
It must be so rough! I believe animals have souls. I hope you are able to enjoy your time with Calvin despite the pain. He is very lucky to have a loving family to the very end.
Oh dear, so sorry. We had to put Jonathan's beloved retriever down just before we got married. It was so hard. I know it will be a tough time for you -- as you look ahead to the loss as well as the loss itself. :(
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you, especially Calvin. I know that know matter how long they are with you it's always to soon to lose them.f
Anne Marie - I hope that Calvin is still doing as well as you can hope for. You've been in my thoughts and will continue to be so. Hugs for Calvin xxx
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