I've been given the privilege of reviewing Simon Tofield's book Simon's Cat here. This book is completely wordless, yet utterly hilarious. Through clever comic illustrations, Tofield gives an accurate picture of life with cats. I found myself nodding my head throughout the book because I'd either been there with my feline delinquents, or I could totally picture them doing what Simon's cat does.
Here's an example from the back cover:
Of course, when it was my own cat sitting in my suitcase, he was also peeing in it. That made for a fun phone call when I had to explain to a bride's mom why I would be late to her daughter's bridal luncheon...
But I digress.
For anyone who has ever had a cat, or visited a home with one in it, you'll understand this book. And if you're allergic to cats, you can vicariously experience what it's like to live with one. I intend to share this with my fellow cat owners.
Here's a little YouTube fun of one of Simon Tofield's videos of Simon's Cat. Unfortunately, my poor husband can relate all to well to this, as Calvin bugs him this way every morning around 6am:
Thanks for posting this - so funny yet so true!
We are crazy for the Simon's cat videos! I'll have to tell my boys there is a book coming out as well. :)
I absolutely love the video! It's uncanny how catlike an animation can be...
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