The 501st Legion did more than just attend in costume this year. They worked hard to raise money for breast cancer research. The stormtroopers went pink!
In addition to special costumes, they held a bake sale to raise money. Vader Halloween buckets were spray painted pink to collect whatever people wanted to donate. Additionally, one of the members made two custom Pink Royal Guards to auction off to raise money.
I always enjoy walking around the convention. Plenty of interesting things to see. This absolutely cracked me up:
I was very impressed by Wayne's Land Speeder. (Wayne is also the one who owns R2.)
Scott Horne of Yak's Pub was there, so we stopped to chat with him for a while. Even though Yak's Pub said, "Do Not Touch," my husband was allowed to play with it. We got to take pictures with Yak himself (although I got in a little trouble when I grabbed Yak and asked, "This is Yak, right?").
My husband asked me to take pictures of the set-up with the zombie figures he purchased at the con. Creepy Luke was the perfect figure to pair with the zombies. Scott took a picture with the zombies, too.
Anthony Daniels was there signing autographs. I had to laugh when a 50-something woman in front of me sighed like a 13-year-old girl and said, "He's so cute!"
Definitely a full weekend.
pink stormtroopers: that's got to violate some ordinance somewhere
Love your pics! I forgot to take pics of the room.
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