Married to the Empire

Monday, March 22, 2010

Star Wars Giveaway

I have what I think is a very cool giveaway for Star Wars lovers. My friend Scott "Niktom" Horne of Yak's Pub has graciously given me two signed pictures of stormtrooper strips from Yak's Pub.

First up is the 18"x12" Garrison Safety Protocol: Heimlich Maneuver poster. (This is strictly satire, and not intended to be real advice on giving the heimlich.)

The second picture is Scout's Honor. Poor little Ewok being duped by a Biker Scout. This one is 8"x10" and comes in a hard plastic protective sleeve. (Two pictures of it below--one with flash for color, one without so you can read it all. Yeah, I'm a terrible photographer.)

To win, simply leave a comment and a way for me to contact you if you are the winner. For fun, tell me who your favorite Star Wars character is. Mine is Luke Skywalker, followed closely by ewoks. Ironically, stormtroopers are probably my least favorite, and here I am married to one! Comments will be closed at midnight CST on Friday, March 26, and a winner will be chosen randomly.

For more giveaways, go here and here.


Melissa said...

Wow! I'd love to win! You can probably guess who my favorite character is - Princess Leia. She's one of the strongest female characters of all time all while still being feminine!

ForwardTwo said...

Hmm ok favorite star wars character would be R2D2- just a bleeping love of a little guy! Loyal and true what's not to love?
Oh and it's Java

sue said...

love C3P0! THanks for the chance.

szpaul (at) yahoo (dot) com

Charlie S. said...

Gotta love Yoda. Followed closely by Obi-Wan.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is R2D2. I want one!

Great blog Anne Marie

Beth said...

My favorite is Obi Wan.

And you have my email.. ;)

Jay said...

I think my fave character would be R2D2.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Hans Solo!
love the blog!

bison61 said...

My favorite is R2D2

tiramisu392 (at)

Unknown said...

Ewoks! They are so super cute!! - Mom

Full Star Wars Movies - Shaak Ti - Original - Boba Fett - son

(If I win I would not like the pub one just cause it would go to my under age boy ;)

Crystal said...

i love yoda!!! our family is really big on starwars!