However, at the very back of the store was a tiny book section that was very well lighted. Interestingly, the books were half the price of books at the sister store. I guess it's a matter of location, as this particular store is in the older, poorer part of town. These books were only 49 cents for paperbacks and 97 cents for hardbacks. Nice!
Here's what I bought:
The paperbacks are for my oldest niece, who loves to read and swears that the libraries in London are awful. My parents are going for a visit next week, so I'll send those books along with them.
The Martha Stewart book is my very favorite of her books. I already own it, but I figured I can bless someone else with a great book. The price was certainly right, and it's in fabulous condition. Martha lovers naturally take care of their things. Then again, whoever owned it must not love Martha all that much if she gave the book away...
The Generation Next book is a Barna book that I've read about in the Barna updates I receive. I've been interested in reading it since I work with teens, but too cheap to buy it. Then along it comes at only 97 cents. Fantastic!
The neatest thing, though is the black book. It's a first edition of Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones. After seeing the preview for the movie version when I went to see Julie & Julia last weekend, I decided it's something I'd like to read. And there it was in the thrift store! That's not what's neat, though. Here's the part that I really like:
For some reason I really like the idea of holding onto a book, knowing how the previous owner spent her time with it. I have no idea how this book made it from Ohio and Germany to a suburb of Dallas, Texas, but kind of cool that it did.
I don't want to discourage you, but the movie version looks like they improved the book, a lot! I really disliked it,but I would like to know what you think of it. (we also have a first edition of it)
We were just in Rothenburg ob der Taube (the third location mentioned in the inscription.) It is a really neat medievil town.
I like those neat book/bargain finds! We are looking forward to Texas next summer for the Half-Price books and thrift/second hand stores!
I love it when I find someone else's writing in the margins!
Cheryl, will y'all be visiting the Dallas area? If so, we'd love to see y'all if you have the time. I do understand if you don't, though. Family tends to hog you if you've been out of the country for a while. I get irritated when my sister's family comes home and they make plans with people other than me! ;-)
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