If you found my blog through the twitter from LucasArts, welcome! I blog about local 501st Legion events as they happen. Our stormtroopers are quite active with various appearances.



Magazine photo shoots:

Television--on camera and behind the scenes:

And most importantly, charity events:
Check out my previous Star Wars posts to see what our local garrison has been up to in the past. Also, take a look at my links list in the sidebar. There are some other Star Wars sites of interest over there.
Please know, though, that this is not strictly a Star Wars blog. I'm at the mercy of the stormtroopers' schedules, so there may be some time between events. I hope you'll enjoy other aspects of my blog, but if you're only interested in the Star Wars stuff, I understand and hope you'll check in regularly to see if there's anything new happening in the garrison.
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