Married to the Empire

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Most Unusual Party - Part 1

My friend Karen decided to throw a Most Unusual Party since February 29th is a rare and unusual day. The first part of this party was a celebration of Karen's cat's 20th birthday. This is the first time I've ever attended an animal's birthday party! I made her a card.

Dinner and dessert were filled with fun, as we were all cracking jokes and playing with the various toys Karen had set out on the table. The ladies all had cute cat ears to wear. The men lucked out because Karen had intended to buy collars for them, but when she tried one on Dan, it didn't fit. The guys were very happy it didn't fit! Oh, and we were all assigned titles for the night.

Cristie (Dame of the Demented) and Glenn (Baron of the Bananas):

Marylou (Lady of the Loonies), John (Lord of the Laughable), me (Princess of the Peculiar), and Bill (Monarch of Mayhem):

Karen (Empress of the Eccentric) and Dan (Count of the Crazies), who were our hosts, with Fuzzy the birthday cat:

Me and Michelle (Queen of the Quirky):

Sandy, Karen, me, Michelle, Cristie, and Marylou:

Um, I accidentally deleted the dinner picture with my own husband (Duke of Dorks), Sandy (Duchess of Deviants), and Stan (King of the Kooks). Kicking myself over that one!

Oh, and a good shot of the birthday girl with her "mom." Doesn't Fuzzy look so happy to be forced to wear a hat?

I was actually happy to be allergic to chocolate when Fuzzy's icky birthday cake appeared on the table. If you look carefully, you'll see that the "happy poopies," as Karen called them, spell out, "I'm 20!":

But a pretty one was also brought out. Sandy has been taking cake-decorating classes. She is obviously at the top of her class:

Stay tuned for part 2, which will highlight our many unusual talents and objects!


Ann said...

What fun!! I love the creativity! And I got a really good kick out of the happy poopies cake hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun evening, but OH, that cake! Waaaay too realistic [shudder]. :-)