While in that part of town, we just wandered a few stores. First stop was a recently-opened Halloween store. They had a whole wall of Star Wars stuff. More specifically, junky Star Wars stuff. Steven attempted to try on a Clonetrooper helmet:

Then he gave his official opinion on the cheap Vaders:

They are definitely not 501st approved costumes!
I dragged him to a craft store, in which I received the question, "Can we go yet?" pretty frequently. For some reason, pretty papers and rubber stamps just don't hold his attention. He passed the time by flipping through a Joel Osteen book. I asked if it changed his life. He said yes because it made him laugh. Somehow I don't think that was Osteen's goal with his book...
Next we went to Half-Price Books. I planted myself in the midst of the craft books while Steven did his own thing. Quite a while later, he found me. He'd found several things, including this set of LPs in perfect condition:

Only $5 for the original Star Wars score played by the London Symphony Orchestra! Good thing he bought me a lovely new record player for my birthday last year. He also found an expansion pack for some Star Wars PC game. And some Iron Man comics. He said we had to go or he was going to keep finding things to buy. Usually, I'm the one with the high tab at the bookstore!
All in all, it was a nice way to spend a rainy Saturday.
I laughed out loud at the Osteen comment. :)
Whew! I'm so glad you didn't have any hurricane trouble.
What a fun day! I'm kind of in the same boat with craft stores...when I walk into a scrapbooking store (which I think I've only done once or twice in my life) I look around and think, "Scrapbooking is a lot of WORK." It's beautiful and all, but I just never caught the fever for it. Alllllll my friends scrapbook though. I've been thinking of paying one of them to do it for me if I give them some pictures...is that weird? I'm just not skilled in arts and crafts.
Is that expansion pack for SWG? I quit playing awhile back, but my husband still plays.
I remember when you got that record player! Awesome gift!
Have a great week, Anne Marie!
Hey there! I was directed over here from a blogging friend who thought, because I too am a Star Wars geek, would get a kick out of your blog... Nice to find you!
I shall be digging into your archives right away!
My blog touches on my Star Wars hobby, but you may want to check out my About Me page where there is a link to my Star Wars website (I used to work for Rebelscum and have met a few of the 501st at various conventions).
Great to meet you!
Annie, yeah, we're not too fond of smilin' Joel Osteen around here. ;-)
Ann, it's not weird to pay someone to scrapbook for you. I've heard of people making money doing that.
Maureen, it's nice to meet you, too!
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