Married to the Empire

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Secret Stormtrooper Project

I told you a few weeks ago about LucasFilm calling our local 501st Legion members to request their help with something. I gave you a few teaser photos. I can now officially tell you what that was about.

Dan Schlund, aka Rocketman, lives here in the Dallas area. LucasFilm wanted him to wear a specific clone trooper costume at GamesCom in Cologne, Germany--while flying in wearing a jet pack! Our local stormtroopers were asked to help him put it together.

This is an action figure of the clone character the guys were putting together for Dan:

Dan wanted to see how things were going to look and work, so he asked my husband to put on the jet pack, as he had the right build to fit in it. Steven was more than happy to oblige! How many men can say they've worn an actual jet pack?

Fitting things with Dan in the armor and jet pack:

A photo with Kevin, the maker of the armor, who flew in from California to help with this project:

And finally, Dan's flight in for the opening ceremonies at GamesCom:


ann said...

That is really cool! We saw rocketman in L.A. at Celebration IV. They're going to have a Celebration V, can't wait to find out where it will be. Maybe I will see you there!

Anonymous said...

Garrett was so excited to see Captain Rex. He is his favorite clone trooper.

Jill said...

Garrett was so excited to see Captain Rex on your blog. He is a huge fan. Captain Rex is by far his favorite clone trooper.

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Captain Rex! That's the name! I'm not familiar with all this clone stuff, and I haven't seen any of the animated things, so I couldn't for the life of me remember the character's name!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome. I'll show this to Zack when he gets home from school. He's gonna freak.