Married to the Empire

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sharing Food

What happens when you bring 3 pounds of strawberries and 3 cantaloupe to youth group?

Total annihilation!

And I think there were only about 8 teens there tonight. The adults helped eat the food, too, but still... Kids can EAT! The fruit wasn't even the only thing there. They also finished off an entire container of snickerdoodles and a birthday cake that someone brought.

The fruit was on sale at the grocery store today, so I just decided to buy a lot and bring it with me to church tonight. The kids were excited about it (obviously), so I was glad I brought it. I enjoy sharing blessings with them.

1 comment:

Jen said...

OH! HAHAHAHA!!! Oh, geesh! The stark reality of the pictures is perfect! At least you balanced the snickerdoodles and birthday cake with a healthy serving of fruit. Perfect!