Married to the Empire

Friday, August 17, 2007


I'm a bit of a spice junkie. I really enjoy cooking, at least most of the time, so I love using really great spices. Meredith posted about a great deal she got on a spice rack, and she asked her readers how they organize their spices. I thought I'd just blog about it myself.

I have spices in a couple of places. First, there's my less-favored, but much-used spice section. This is in a kitchen cabinet not far from my workspace. It's a bit of a mess, actually.

Then there are the really good spices. There's a spice store in Fort Worth called Pendery's World of Spices. Penderys is one of my splurging stores. Their spices are truly stellar, and this Texan wouldn't think of going anywhere else for her chili powder blends or fajita seasoning! I keep these spices in my pantry door. The ones from Penderys are in plastic bags, and they take up an entire shelf. I have some other spices on a shelf below that one.

I probably have too many spices, now that I'm really looking at them. But I enjoy them so much! Having good ingredients really does add to the joy of cooking!


Meredith said...

Wow! Thanks for sharing those photos. There is a Pendery's about 3 hours from me, and I plan to stop if I'm ever in the area.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, you are drowning in spices!!! Maybe a SpiceStack would help? It stores 27 full-size bottles (up to 54 little half-size guys) from the grocery store in your kitchen cabinet and makes finding the spice you need a breeze. Check it out at Happy Organizing!