This turned into a call to our friend Dan, who is very knowledgeable about plumbing. Poor Dan spent part of his 4th of July under our bathroom sink. But we're so grateful!
This just reminded me of last year and having to repair the couch the day before leaving for camp. Leaving just can't be easy, it seems.
If you think about it during the week, pray for us. We're taking 35 students to camp with us this year, including a few whom we believe are not saved. I'll be taking a blogging break for the next 1-2 weeks, which frankly, I need because I think I've become dull and uninspired. A time of spiritual retreat is something I definitely need right now.
Also, say a prayer for Calvin that he stays well while we're away and doesn't give his "aunties" taking care of him any trouble.
Hope you have a great time at camp. I will be praying. A blogging break is great, although I don't think you have become dull and uninspired. :)
I hope you have a safe trip and will be back with stories to share!
I keep clicking on your link each day, even though I know you are away. At first I laughed at my old habit, but then I thought, what a great reminder to say a quick prayer for you, Steven and the cats each time! :) Hope all is well.
Hi, I found your blog through my daughter's blog. She suffers from migraines also. They have been so bad. She is a 4th generation sufferer and her 2 little boys are showing signs of migraine. I was reading some of your blogs and read that you discontinued your vitamins and the migraines weren't as often. Read the labels. The vitamin companies are starting to add aspartame - nutra sweet - to their product. It is a trigger for us. You will be in my prayers.
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