Steven came up with a great solution, and I'm so grateful to him for it! He bought cheap metal shelves at IKEA and used them to set up our old desktop computer so that I can watch DVDs or online shows while I work out. He turned the taller shelf upside-down and bolted it to the wall. He also cut the legs down so that it wasn't too tall. It's nice having such a handy husband!
The mouse rests easily by the treadmill controls for easy computer usage.
Not only did my husband give up space in his room, but he customized things to make them more pleasant for me. The new setup works beautifully, and I'm now enjoying replaying my collection of Star Trek: Voyager DVDs as I work out!
The universe won't implode or anything, will it, if I watch Star Trek in a room devoted to Star Wars?
Ok, that is one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. Tell Steven he gets major kudos for that one. Nothing wrong with Voyager, best Trek aside from the original.
You might want to wear a helmet just in case the figures on the walls start attacking you. :-P
Hey, that's really cool! I can exercise while distracted.....
Wow! That is so awesome! A really great solution to boring exercise!
I don't know, I think watching Star Trek in a Star Wars room is asking for trouble! lol
Are you planning on going to see the "Star Wars in Concert" tour I've been hearing about? Can't wait to see when it will be in Boston...
What a nice guy!
I had a treadmill once, and absolutely couldn't stand walking on it; I just got unbearably bored. Maybe if I'd had that kind of set-up I would have gotten my money's worth out of the thing!
Um, I don't suppose your husband has a single brother or something? That is so sweet and considerate; you are very lucky!
Scott, I made sure to tell Steven to come read your nice comment!
Beth, I have no idea if we're going to that concert or not. The stormtroopers usually get asked to troop at stuff like that, so who knows? Maybe we'll get to see it for free, assuming it makes its way to Dallas/Ft. Worth. There are a lot of perks with this stormtrooper stuff.
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